
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We’re off!

We're here in Atlanta, pumped about seeing our team again, counting down until we leave for Honduras.  And emotions are everywhere, but mainly at excitement.  We know these will change a few months in, but for now we're hyped up.  Launch has been an interesting time.  It's cool seeing our groups and friends, but there is a lot of sitting in sessions of information.  But also good sessions about God and relationships.  

So here we go out into God's field.  See you guys there for my next Blog.

First Blog Ever: status-complete!laugh




  1. Yayyyyyyyyy! I’m so glad you’ve got a blog…now you’d better remember to update 😛 I’ll definitely be reading it! So excited for you (:

  2. Yayyyyyyyyy! I’m so glad you’ve got a blog…now you’d better remember to update 😛 I’ll definitely be reading it! So excited for you (:

  3. Great beginnings! Sending prayers your way for safe travel. I think I am as excited as your are to see what big things God has in store for you. Keep us posted.

  4. I am so proud of you for stepping out in obedience and trust. Safe travels and happy trails. Will be praying over you as God leads you where He plans.

  5. Praying for you as you step out into a new venture. Also praying for your family because it is also hard for them. I know you will learn so much and God will never fail you . Trust Him . Enjoy your time ,

    Blessings to you,
    Jean Snyder

  6. Jamie!! SO thrilled to see what the Lord has in store for you!!! I will love hearing updates from you along the way — and you will be in our prayers, for sure!!

  7. I spent much of my today looking through photos from the last 5 years. Many were of you and your cohorts. 🙂 I believe that you have grown in stature and in favor with God and men. I’m so very proud of you, excited for you and will be praying for you to continue growing. Your understanding of God is worth sharing with others. Be bold and remember what Mr. Elias taught us; God didn’t give you a baby Holy Spirit. He has filled you with His FULNESS!

  8. Yo James, checking out your blog! It seems pretty sweet; hope all is well and I’ll be praying for ya!

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